Monday, 12 November 2012

Boot animation is the thing which comes when you switch on your phone

Soo bored with the stock animation????? here is how to make your own boot animation


1.Photoshop or any image editing software which allows you to save file in png format
2.Notepad++ get from here
4.Rootexplorer app installed in your phone


1. Make images.
Make your images in photoshop or any program. Resolution must be same as your screen size.
As its an animation, u will have to arrange the frames in order, not in GIF file. ALL FILES IN PNG FORMAT
Save the first frame as "01.png" second one with "02.png" third with "03.png" and so on.
Note: The part u want to played repeatedly, create the images only once because the images will play non-stop if u put the files in part1.

2. Managing images.
Clasify them into part0 or part1 folder.
part0 for those playing once and part1 for those will be repeated.
(!) Dont change the name of image. Leave the numbering there.

3. Setting up instruction. (READ CAREFULLY)
Recommended software: notepad++ (google it),
make a desc.txt file in the directory of the 2 folders.
copy and paste this into it:

320 480 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1

320 480 is the resolution of animation you can change this according to your 
30 is the speed of animation, 15 or 30 is OK.
the left numbers instruct whether the images will be played once or non stop. (0 for non-stop, 1 for once)
the right number just leave it 0.
part0 is a folder name and part1 another folder's name. (u should be able to understand about these code now, means u can change the part0 and part1 to any name but has to be same as the folder of your images)
save the file.

4. Compiling Files.
Use any archiving software.
Compress the 2 folders and 1 txt file into a zip file. So the zip file will have part0, part1 and desc.txt.
Method MUST BE "STORE" or else wont work.
Rename the zip file as
Check if your zip file has thumbs.db, if yes, delete them.


1. Rename your boot animation to bootanimation
2. Put it on your SD card
3. Open Root Explorer mount as RW and copy to /system/media. This will replace the existing boot animation( you can copy the default animation and store it in SD card)
4.Long press on the copied file and Set the permission as shown below

4. Reboot your phone and enjoy the bootanimation.


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