Step 1:
INSTALL Adobe Digital Editions onto your Windows PC
you need to install Adobe Digital
Editions which can be downloaded
forFREE (no trials, no pay to have the full program work
– completely free) from here:
on download now or scroll down to the download now
Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) and register for a free account and
activate your ADE.
Step 2: DRM removal: How to Remove DRM from EPUB files
using ePubee DRM Removal:
Install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) v1.7.1 (restating
this step since its very import to do first – if you don’t, the DRM program
won’t work)
your copy of Adobe Digital Editions, download the EPUB files to your desktop
PC, make sure the EPUB files can be opened on ADE.
Install ePubee Drm Remvoal which you can get here for FREE:
When you install the program, Run ePubee Drm Removal to
remove DRM from EPUB files:
step is to Input files as follows:
on the “browse” button to choose your EPUB e-book / input folder.
you just can’t find the EPUB e-book, open Adobe Digital Editions and find the
path in the properties of the e-book.
do not need to find the EPUB Files one by one, just choose the folder which the
EPUB files were saved in, the ePub Drm Removal software helps you decrypt tens
of DRM protected EPUB files at one time!
“unDrm directory”, this removes the DRM from all of the EPUB files
decrypted EPUB files will be saved to another folder no change to the
source files
your newly created DRM-free EPUB file with your favorite application (on
whatever device you like).
If you don’t do the above ‘Step 2′ first, the
next product won’t work.
Step 3: Download and Install Calibre
download and install Calibre for FREE (again – no trials, no pay later for
the full program to work) which can be found here:
installing Calibre, run the
program and add your EPUB ebook file to Calibre.
you have added the file, you have the option to convert your e-book files.
highlighting the EPUB file you want to convert to PDF format, click on the icon
that says: Convert Books
the upper left and right corners you have the input file (original file format
you added into Calibre) and the
output file. These can be changed via the little black arrow down button. Be
sure to check that the input file says: EPUB and the output file is changed to
say: PDF (since for the purpose of this blog tutorial is to convert the EPUB
file to a PDF file. If you want another file you can play around with those
once you’ve done this first test run to a PDF file). Once you have
verified the correct output file, click the okay button in the lower right
corner. Calibre will convert the file to a PDF format
in just a couple of minutes or less.
the conversion is completed, you can highlight the book that you just converted
and to the left of the window, click on Formats. As you can see in the image
below, on the right, the E-book file by Laurie, Victoria is in both an EPUB
format and PDF format. If you ‘click
to open’ as it says next
to ’ Path:’- a
new window will open which will show you where the PDF file is stored on your
that you’ve installed all 3 of these software programs, you can download all
your EPUB e-book files and convert them to PDF files with ease.
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